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Home | OFAH Works to Simplify and Streamline Deer Hunting Seasons While Enhancing Opportunities for Hunters
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OFAH Works to Simplify and Streamline Deer Hunting Seasons While Enhancing Opportunities for Hunters
The OFAH supported proposed changes to simplify and align Ontario’s white-tailed deer hunting seasons in 2022 but stressed the need for comprehensive consultation. In a letter to the MNR, staff highlighted the ecological, economic, and cultural importance of deer hunting, which contributes significantly to Ontario’s economy and helps manage deer populations.
Among other things, the letter suggested evaluating potential environmental impacts using data from neighbouring wildlife management units, effective communication of changes, allowing Sunday gun hunting in all municipalities, and reviewing the controlled deer hunt program.
White-tailed deer are ecologically, economically, culturally, and socially important to Ontario. Approximately 190,000 hunters participate in Ontario’s deer seasons each year and do so for a variety of reasons including time with family, practicing long-standing traditions, engaging with nature, and obtaining healthy meat while contributing an estimated $346.5 million to Ontario’s economy annually. At the same time, these hunters help maintain deer populations at sustainable levels and monitor for wildlife disease threats such as chronic wasting disease. We are pleased to see deer receive the management attention they deserve. We have reviewed the proposed changes and offer the following comments to ensure that any changes to deer seasons are reflective of the desires of deer hunters and support sustainable hunting opportunities.
Download and read full letter here

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