News or Items of Interest

News or Items of Interest

We feel the following might be some provincial, national or international news and/or items of importance to OFAH members. By extension, they might be of interest to the OFAH Zone “E” membership.

February 26th 2020   –  –   Item

Still relevant article as of June 2nd,  2021

On behalf of the OFAH Zone “E” members and hunters like myself, I attended the moose management information night in Peterborough. Therefore I received the following in an email this morning. Please read and communicate to all your fellow moose hunters. These changes DO change how we will hunt October 2020.

“You are receiving this email because you provided your email address to MNRF at one of the seven Moose Management Review listening sessions held in May and early June of 2019.

On August 12, 2019 the ministry proposed changes to improve moose management with a focus on ensuring population sustainability and making tag allocation fairer and more consistent for moose hunters. This proposal was posted for comment on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for 45 days until September 26, 2019 at:

The ministry appreciates all the comments provided in response to this proposal. The input was carefully considered and has led to a decision to proceed with most aspects of the proposal. The following changes will be implemented over the next two years.

Changes for 2020

  • Implement calf tag quotas in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 37, 40, 41, 42 & 47 and extend the calf hunting season in these areas for the full length of the moose hunting season.
  • Create separate tag quotas for bow and gun in WMUs 27-28, 30-33, 35-37, 39-42 (bow-only season already exists in these WMUs) to be consistent with the approach taken in many other units in northern Ontario.
  • Create a 1-week bow-only hunting season and separate tag quotas for bow and gun in WMUs 46-47, 49-50, 53-54, 56, 60-63) similar to the existing four southern WMUs with bow-specific seasons. The bow season will begin the first Saturday in October and last seven days.

Changes for 2021

  • Modernize Ontario’s selective harvest approach by applying calf tag quotas across the province and allocating based on the following tag types bull, cow/calf and calf.
  • Establish a new points-based tag allocation process and associated licensing approach.
  • Eliminate the special moose hunting opportunities afforded to non-resident landowners and immediate relatives of Ontario resident moose hunters.

The proposed changes to party hunting rules for moose hunters will not be implemented at this time. Additional information is provided in the decision notice ( and on the Moose Management Review web page at Further details will be provided online and through other communication channels leading up to the 2021 changes to the new points-based tag allocation process. Thank you again for attending the listening sessions and providing your input.”