While COVID-19 may have put in-person TackleShare fishing events on hold, the program has gone full steam ahead with virtual fishing instruction.
TackleShare is reaching out to anglers young and old, new and experienced, to virtually “Fish Along with TackleShare” at their leisure. Anglers can join three ways: watch and learn from online fishing videos; participate by submitting photos of their catch; and access online resources through the TackleShare website.
YouTube Channel
Follow along with the TackleShare team as they head out to local Ontario lakes and waterbodies to fish for species using different strategies all year long. The team shares their adventures by posting videos of their experiences on our YouTube Channel showing how they did, and what they have learned in the process. In addition, the team also offers other educational fishing videos about fish species, explaining fishing gear basics, easy DIY projects, how-to instructions, water safety tips, understanding the fishing regulations summary, and more to help anglers develop and hone their fishing skills.
Win prizes
Anglers can create an account and upload photos of their own catches to receive fishing prizes. There are three levels of engagement for submitting your photos to win! Instant prizes are given when the angler reaches their goals of 1st catch, 5th catch, and the esteemed 7th species which earns them recognition and a prize for their TackleShare Pro Staff status. In addition to these three levels of engagement, every entry is automatically entered into monthly prize draws — supported by our program sponsors — to win some great fishing gear.

Fishing photo submitted by a participant for instant prizes and monthly draws.
Resources at your fingertips
Fishing resources like species fact sheets, knot tying instructions, and youth activity sheets are available on our website under the resources section. These downloads are designed to be clear and concise to make learning easy for new and novice anglers. As the year continues more resources will be added to offer more knowledge and encourage more Ontarians to become recreational anglers.
If you want to know more about a certain topic that TackleShare hasn’t already covered, anglers are encouraged to reach out to TackleShare to let us know — click here to tell us what you want to learn!
The OFAH, with Ontario Power Generation as title sponsor, is proud to deliver Fish Along with TackleShare. This important program encourages fishing as a fun, family activity that can be done anywhere in Ontario while staying within your family bubble.
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